Friday, March 2, 2012

Young Writers Club Week #4: Angelyn

I wish for wings.  If I had wings, I would have pink wings.  I would be a small garden fairy.  I would plant flowers everywhere.


  1. Ah! You and cousin Rosie both! Two fairy lovin' girls. I can't wait till we see you again this summer!

    Lots of love from Aunt Jennie

  2. That's a very sweet wish, Angelyn! I really like birds and it would be cool to have a set of wings of my own. Very creative!!!

  3. What a wonderful wish! My daughter would pick pink wings too. Flowers make people happy.

  4. Very cute wish. I have another wish aside from the one I posted which would be a wish to fly. Ah, to fly with or with out sings. *gazes dreamily into space and imagines herself flying*. Your wish is very nice.
